Color Coordination, an important aspect of school interior design


The colors have the ability to stimulate a person’s mind which creates a balance and enhances the cognitive mindset. Similarly, colors in schools have a deep impact on student’s emotion. Earlier, scho...

School Interior Design-Effective Utilization of Space


The technology and digital devices prevailing in school sectors have made way for a bigger transformation. We all are very much aware about the times when learning was only restricted to the classroom...

Urban Architecture and Requisites of k-12 school Architecture and Interior Design


The urban K-12 school architecture delineates several challenges besides executing programmatic goal, the project should provide strategies for open social space, efficient parking, traffic management...

Acoustics and Audio devices to Enhance the Efficacy of School Interior Design


Communication is the single most important factor efficiency of which determines the efficiency of the academic institutions. Communication binds staff members, principals, and students. School is a p...

Interior Design of Schools and Their Role in Enhancement of Learning Outcomes


Versatility of the environment is vital when it comes to the enhancement of an academic institution. The school authorities including staff and students should be given the choice to decide on the kin...

How to Renovate a School


Every sector in the world is grappling with the adoption of technology due to the digital revolution. They are perplexed about how to implement the changes effectively for a greater impact.However, th...

Interior Design-the Central Aspect of School Renovation


The architecture of a school building is an integral partand interior designacts as a soul to the body. The interior design illuminates the entire school building when it is given adequate importance....

How School Interior Design Affects Learning Outcomes


Albert Einstein, one of the luminaries of Science and education had once said, “I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn”. This gives ground to new def...

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School Serv Designs
Opp to MIMS Cresenta, Main Road, Kannamangala
Village, Bidarahalli Hobli, Whitefield,
Bangalore-560115, Karnataka, India.

Contact Us : +91 95133 77282/ 83/ 84/ 85

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